Welcome to Clackmannan

Clackmannan Development Trust is a membership-led charity striving to make Clackmannan a better place to live, work and visit. Working with community partners, we help to deliver a range of services and activities that have been developed in response to the needs of the community.

The Bruce Lounge is the venue for regular drop-in surgeries including Citizen’s Advice, Home Energy Advisors, Adult Social Care services, a Community Larder and more.

Supported by grant funding, we take forward a range of projects encouraging active travel, celebrating local heritage, inspiring community engagement and promoting tourism. All have a common aim – to improve the quality of life in Clackmannan, Kennet and Forestmill.

Community Space and One Stop Shop

The Bruce Lounge is open on Wednesdays as a welcoming space for the community to visit, enjoy a hot drink and a chance to socialise. There are opportunities to access regular outreach services including Citizen’s Advice, Adult Social Care and the community larder.

Community Space and One Stop Shop
A group with bicycles out on a saddle up social ride.

Active Travel

We are here to encourage and support anyone who would like to cycle more, for leisure or as a cost-effective method of travel. Our Active Travel Co-Ordinator is on hand for all your cycling needs – we offer bike hire and e-bike hire, maintenance workshops, servicing and small repairs, and cycle training. Saddle Up social rides take place on the 3rd Sunday of the month – a great way to exercise, meet people and explore the area.

Active Travel
A group of women knitting as part of the Knit & Natter.

Caring & Connected

Caring and Connected Clackmannan is a collaboration of key local organisations formed to identify and address areas of need within the community. The partnership brings together the Parish Church, Police, Health Centre, Community Council, Primary School, Tenants and Residents Federation, Health and Social Care Partnership and local Council representation. We are working together to better address the issues faced by our community including rising energy costs, access to dementia services and support for older residents, help for immigrant families and social care needs. We meet monthly to exchange updates and discuss how we can support each other to deliver targeted services for the benefit of all.

Caring & Connected

Mobile Post Office

The mobile Post Office is in Clackmannan on the following days and times:


28 March 2024

Community Newsletter Out Now!

The latest edition of Clackmannan Community News is out now! Thanks to a team of super volunteers, it will be hitting your doormat over the… Read More

1 February 2024


The friendly experts from Recyke-a-Bike are back in Clackmannan on Thursday 22nd February for another FREE bike repair class. These sessions are aimed at giving… Read More

25 January 2024


The Clackmannan Action Plan 2024 – 2029 has been launched! The Plan was developed by Clackmannan Community Council, Coalfields Regeneration Trust and CDT, and was… Read More
